(zh-tw)週末我開了將近六個小時的車, 從台北到了梨山附近的福壽山農場, 發現了這台停在農場裡, 蔣公行館前的老福特(註: 路徑為台北--北一高--台二線--宜蘭--台七線--台七甲線, 回程相同, 還可經礁溪泡溫泉).
Last weekend I drove about 6 hours, from Taipei to Fushou Mountain Farm (near Lishan), and found this old Ford which belonged to General Chiang Kai-Shek, the late President of Taiwan's dictatorial era.
(zh-tw)門沒鎖, 所以進去坐著過癮.
The door was unlocked (by me!!), so I sat in and pretty much enjoyed the moment--Get on, Old Chiang, let's have some fun together...
Here are some photoes about Fushou Mountain Farm.
If Taiwan is like a shape of your left palm, Fushou Mountain is right in the bottom of your middle finger (don't get me wrong...). The height is about 2,500 meters, and the famous farm produce is apple (my sons stole some for us...good job??), pear, cabbage, etc. The temperature is about 10-c in the early morning and late evening during this time of the year, but rising to 25-c during lunch time. It's still a government-owned farm and not over developed, but tourist has to be prepared for the BUREAUCRATIC HOSPITALITY...
It's just too great to be able to spend some restful time out there with my lovely family :-)