I am at this full-day Web 2.0 conference. Michael Arrington from TechCrunch is now on stage. He's the keynote of this event. Michael's presentation is built on MAC, not work well in the beginning of his speech.
Michael usually meets / writes 3~4 companies a day.
Early days e-commerce is like Television. Internet sites involve in the process of creation. 2007 is two-way web.
Web 2.0 is hard to define. These applications are built on over-business-plan ideas. Build on something "I love", on the web platform.
Some readers of TechCrunch never visit the site. They read it over RSS and other protocols.
Web 2.0 is not about design. It's about data. The structure of data, tags.
Readers are more interested in comments, not the thing I write.
An amateur, like me, semi-professional on something. More powerful in a niche.
TechCrunch in the first 6 month, I did not spend a dime. WSJ can't compete with "free".
Users and machines are one - Mechanical Turk. People over the world, help do the machnical job (translation). plug-in people into the grid.
Supermarket sticker, rounder corner, beta wording, I'm sick of it. A clear and well organized site should be the gold. Everything else is a fad.
Wikipedia (one of the most beautiful things in the world), Skype, Delicious, Zoho (ajax based office suite), netvibes, YouTube, are mentioned.
Portable data, collaboration, user participation ane network effect are the most important aspect of Web 2.0
Human will always compete for status and resources.
Who/what will govern this new world..virtual reality in the online world.
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