今日紐約時報科技版刊出此文. 相較於Google的光環, 紐報大大地唱衰Y!
- many Internet executives are noting just how often Yahoo appears to be late and slow, both in its own business and in negotiations with other companies. Y!也是有動過買 YouTube的念頭, 但是喬不定, 決策太晚又慢.
- Yahoo has lost the favor it enjoyed a year or two ago...clients were reducing the share of their budgets they allocate to Yahoo in favor of newer sites, like MySpace, and sites developed by big media companies like Viacom. 廣告主現在會下更多的廣告在像myspace這樣的新網站.
- Yahoo has been stymied because its text advertising business has been largely frozen until it completes a new software system. The upgrade is more than a year late and the delay has sucked up the company’s engineering resources and prevented it from developing new advertising products. Yahoo’s system produces much less money from every page than Google, a handicap in bidding for advertising deals. 因為新系統開發時程過長, 新的廣告商品無法推出, 甚至Y!文字廣告業務都遭凍結.
- Yahoo may well be slipping because of the sheer scope of its ambitions. It competes in news with CNN, in sports with ESPN, in e-mail with Microsoft, in instant messaging with AOL, in social networking with MySpace, and of course in searching with Google. And it does so in dozens of countries. Y! 什麼都賣, 所以搞到處處與人為敵.
- (In Y!)..the media group, which handles video programming, and the search group, which has a system to find videos on the Web, both wanted to offer a service for users to upload their own video clips. The search group won, but the delay allowed YouTube, a start-up, to dominate the market. Y!搜尋部門和媒體部門都想做video. 搜尋部門贏了(媒體部門), 但輸給YouTube.
- Some Yahoo veterans have bolted for trendier start-ups. For example, Mike Murphy, a longtime ad salesman, is now the chief revenue officer of Facebook, and Gideon Yu, Yahoo’s treasurer, quit last month to become chief financial officer of YouTube. 一些Y!老臣已跳槽至所謂Web 2.0公司了.
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